Automation direct error codes

The table provided below includes a list of the CLICK PLC Errors along with causes, solutions, and other reference information. When an Error or a Warning occurs, the Error Code is stored in the system data register SD1 .

Input Voltage is less than 20VDC.

Provide the correct nominal voltage of 24VDC. Recalculate the power budget and compare to your power supply available current.

I/O Module Error

There are more than 8 I/O modules.

A CLICK PLC system can support up to 8 I/O modules. Remove any excessive I/O modules.

At least one I/O module was added to the CLICK PLC during operation.

Power off the CLICK PLC and check the connection of the I/O modules. Then power on the CLICK PLC again. If the problem remains, connect the CLICK software to the PLC and check the System Configuration. If there is any I/O module that is not shown in the System Configuration, replace it.

An I/O module has failed.

Connect the CLICK software to the CLICK PLC and check the system configuration. If there is any I/O module that is used in the PLC system but not shown in the System Configuration window, replace the I/O module.

System Config Error

The current system configuration does not match the configuration saved in the project file.

Connect the CLICK software to the CLICK PLC and open the System Configuration window. Modify the current configuration of the CLICK PLC to match the configuration in the project file, or uncheck the ‘Start-up I/O Config Check’ option if you want to use the current configuration.

I/O Config Error

At least one I/O module was removed from the CLICK PLC during operation.

Power off the CLICK PLC and check the connection of the I/O modules. Then power on the CLICK PLC again. If the problem remains, connect the CLICK software to the PLC and check the System Configuration. If there is any I/O module that is not shown in the System Configuration, replace it.

The CPU module can not access one or more I/O modules.

Connect the CLICK software to the CLICK PLC and open the System Configuration window. If there is any I/O module that is used in the PLC system but not shown in the System Configuration window, replace the I/O module.

Memory Check Error

There is a memory check error.

Power cycle the CLICK PLC. If the same error occurs again, download the project again and/or try the ‘Reset to Factory Default’ command. If the same error still occurs, replace the CPU module.

Project File Error

There is no project file in the CLICK PLC.

Download a project file into the CLICK PLC.

The project file stored in the CLICK PLC is corrupted.

Download the project file into the CLICK PLC again.

Firmware Version Error

The project file was written on a newer version of CLICK software. The firmware in the CLICK PLC is too old to execute the project.

Connect the CLICK software to the CLICK PLC and update the firmware of the CPU module.

Watchdog Timer Error

The PLC scan time exceeded the watchdog timer setup.

Connect the CLICK software to the PLC and check the maximum PLC scan time and the watchdog timer setup.

Interrupt Watchdog Timer Error

The PLC scan time excedded the watchdog timer setup.

The watchdog timer was excedded while executing an Interrupt Program. Reduce the occurrence of Interrupts, or reduce the executing time of the Interrupt Programs to prevent this error.

Sub-processor Firmware Version Error

The sub-processor contains a firmware version which does not match the main processor.

Connect the CLICK software to the CLICK PLC and update the firmware of the CPU module.

The data in the SRAM was lost while the CLICK PLC was powered off.

The CLICK CPU module does not have a battery back-up, but it has a capacitor that will hold memory for a few days. The data in the SRAM is lost if the CLICK PLC is powered off for long enough for the capacitor to discharge. In this case, the CLICK PLC initializes the data in the SRAM automatically. Power cycle the CLICK PLC to clear this Warning.

Battery Low Voltage

Battery voltage is too low to retain data in the SRAM.

Replace the battery (ADC part #: D2-BAT-1).

Also, set the new battery installation date and the anticipated replacement date in the CLICK programming software if the Battery Replacement Notification option is selected.

(Pull-down menu: Setup > Battery Backup Setup)

The anticipated battery

replacement date has passed.

Replace the battery (ADC part #: D2-BAT-1). Also, set the new battery installation date and the anticipated replacement date in the CLICK programming software.

(Pull-down menu: Setup > Battery Backup Setup)

Run Edit Project Error

The RUN Time Edit program download failed.

The program download was not completed. The PLC will continue in RUN with the previous program.

Note: * The SC bits are turned ON when the related Errors occur.