Risk Assessment Report Template

Our Risk Assessment Report Template offers a comprehensive framework to identify, analyze, mitigate and manage potential risks effectively and systematically.

Identify and describe the context of the assessment Identify potential risks associated with the context Determine the likelihood of each risk Estimate the impact of each risk Calculate the risk level Prepare draft of Risk Assessment Report Approval: Risk Analysis Report Identify viable mitigation strategies for high-level risks Estimate the cost of implementing each mitigation strategy Identify responsible parties for implementing mitigation strategies Prepare final Risk Assessment Report Submit the report to relevant parties Create an action plan to address identified risks Approval: Action Plan Track implementation of mitigation strategies Review and update the risk assessment report annually Approval: Annual Review and Update of Report Document lessons learned Develop a plan for continuous risk assessment End of Risk Assessment Report Template Process

Identify and describe the context of the assessment

This task involves identifying and describing the context of the risk assessment. It is important to understand the background, scope, and purpose of the assessment. The task will provide a clear understanding of the project or activity being assessed and the potential risks associated with it. The desired result is a comprehensive description of the context to inform the risk assessment process.

Describe the context of the assessment

Identify potential risks associated with the context

In this task, you will identify potential risks that are associated with the context described in the previous task. Think about what could go wrong during the project or activity and how it could impact the desired outcome. Consider both internal and external factors that could pose risks. The desired result is a list of potential risks that will be assessed further in the risk assessment process.

List potential risks associated with the context

Determine the likelihood of each risk

Now that potential risks have been identified, it is important to determine the likelihood of each risk occurring. Consider past experiences, historical data, and expert opinions to assess the probability of each risk. The desired result is an evaluation of the likelihood of each risk.

Likelihood of risk Factors contributing to the likelihood of risk Lack of training Inadequate resources Poor communication External dependencies Unreliable technology

Estimate the impact of each risk

In this task, you will estimate the potential impact of each identified risk. Consider the consequences that could occur if the risk were to materialize. Assess the severity and magnitude of the impact on the project or activity. The desired result is an evaluation of the impact of each risk.

Impact of risk Negligible Catastrophic Factors contributing to the impact of risk Financial loss Reputation damage Operational disruption Legal implications Health and safety risks

Calculate the risk level

Now that the likelihood and impact of each risk have been assessed, it is time to calculate the risk level. Multiply the likelihood by the impact to determine the overall risk level. This will help prioritize the risks and focus on those with the highest potential impact. The desired result is a calculated risk level for each identified risk.

Likelihood Risk level

Prepare draft of Risk Assessment Report

Now it's time to prepare a draft of the Risk Assessment Report based on the information gathered in the previous tasks. This report will provide an overview of the identified risks, their likelihood and impact, and the calculated risk level. It will serve as a basis for further analysis and decision-making. The desired result is a comprehensive draft of the Risk Assessment Report.

Draft of Risk Assessment Report

Approval: Risk Analysis Report

Will be submitted for approval: Prepare draft of Risk Assessment Report Will be submitted

Identify viable mitigation strategies for high-level risks

In this task, you will identify viable mitigation strategies for high-level risks. Consider ways to prevent, reduce, or manage the risks to minimize their potential impact. Brainstorm potential solutions and evaluate their feasibility and effectiveness. The desired result is a list of viable mitigation strategies for high-level risks.

List viable mitigation strategies for high-level risks

Estimate the cost of implementing each mitigation strategy

Now that mitigation strategies have been identified, estimate the cost of implementing each strategy. Consider the resources, time, and effort required to execute the strategies effectively. Evaluate potential expenses and allocate a budget accordingly. The desired result is an estimation of the cost for each identified mitigation strategy.

Cost of implementing each mitigation strategy

Identify responsible parties for implementing mitigation strategies

In this task, identify the responsible parties for implementing each identified mitigation strategy. Determine who will be accountable for executing the strategies and overseeing their implementation. Assign roles and responsibilities to ensure effective execution. The desired result is a list of responsible parties for each mitigation strategy.

Responsible party for implementing each mitigation strategy

Prepare final Risk Assessment Report

Now it's time to prepare the final Risk Assessment Report based on the gathered information and analysis. Incorporate the identified risks, their likelihood and impact, the calculated risk level, and the viable mitigation strategies. The report should provide a comprehensive overview of the risk assessment findings and recommendations. The desired result is a polished and comprehensive final Risk Assessment Report.

Final Risk Assessment Report

Submit the report to relevant parties

Now that the final Risk Assessment Report is ready, it needs to be submitted to relevant parties for review and approval. Determine who should receive the report and distribute it accordingly. Communicate any additional actions or information required from the recipients. The desired result is the successful submission of the report to the relevant parties.

Email address of relevant parties Additional actions or information required

Create an action plan to address identified risks

In this task, create an action plan to address the identified risks. Determine what steps need to be taken to prevent, reduce, or manage the risks. Outline specific actions, assign responsibilities, and set timelines for implementation. The desired result is a detailed action plan to address the identified risks.

Action plan to address identified risks

Approval: Action Plan

Will be submitted for approval: Create an action plan to address identified risks Will be submitted

Track implementation of mitigation strategies

Once the action plan is in place, it is important to track the implementation of the identified mitigation strategies. Monitor progress, ensure that actions are executed as planned, and address any obstacles or delays. The desired result is effective implementation of the mitigation strategies and timely resolution of any issues.

Tracking implementation of mitigation strategies

Review and update the risk assessment report annually

In order to maintain the relevance and accuracy of the risk assessment report, it should be reviewed and updated annually. Set a schedule for the review process and assign responsible parties. Evaluate the effectiveness of the mitigation strategies and adjust them as necessary. The desired result is an updated risk assessment report that reflects any changes in the risk landscape.