Planning Commission

Ga. Law 1956, p. 2006; Amended Ga. Law 1964, p. 3181; BOC resolution dated Dec. 26, 1972; May 2, 1973 action of the BOC designated the Zoning and Planning Commission as the Board of Zoning Appeals; BOC Resolution of September 25, 1973;

Resolution of July 25, 1989 allowed the BOC the option to recommend separate appointments to the PC and the BZA while retaining the option to have one appointee serve on both Boards; Resolution of February 25, 1997 amended the terms of appointees to run concurrently with the terms of office of the appointing commissioners; BOC resolution of April 22, 2003 increased monthly salaries of the PC and BZA with the Chairman and the Secretary of both Board compensated an additional $25.00 per month per Board; BOC resolution of September 9, 2003 increased the annual compensation to $10,000.00 for members serving on both the PC and the Board of Zoning Appeals with said action retaining the additional monthly compensation for the Chairman and Secretary of the PC and the BZA (see April 22, 2003 action above).


Established as an advisory Commission to assist the governing authority (BOC) in the administration and enforcement of the Zoning and Planning Act and to prescribe the duties and functions of such commission.

The full duties and functions of this Commission are contained in the Cobb County Zoning Ordinance, Section 3-28-9 134-61.

Members are appointed for terms which run concurrently with those of the appointing commissioner and are subject to removal with or without cause and without regard to any unexpired term. The Commission Chair is compensated $275.00 per month, the Secretary is compensated $275.00 per month with all other members compensated $250.00 per month.

Commission Members
Member Appointed By Term
Stephen Vault Chairwoman Cupid 12/31/2024
Fred Beloin Commissioner Gambrill 12/31/2026
David Anderson Commissioner Richardson 12/31/2024
Christine Lindstrom Commissioner Birrell 12/31/2026
Michael Hughes Commissioner Sheffield 12/31/2024